Despite its name, there are a few rules in this area of the forum.
1. Large amounts of spam is not allowed. A couple of short posts is fine, but if you start making 20 posts in a minute with nothing of substance in them, you will be warned or banned from this area of the forum.
2. Abuse of the topic creation is the same as with messages. You can make a few threads about random things but if you make a ton of worthless ones then you will receive a warning or ban, and your topics will be deleted.
3. You must obey all of the regular rules in the forum. Anything related to pornography, piracy, or any other topics against the rules of forumotion will lead to being either banned from the Spam Area or from the entire forum itself depending on the offense.
4. If you have a picture or topic that is Not Safe For Work but does not break any rules, please label it NSFW. This is for everyone's sakes.
5. Attacking a specific person or group of people is still strictly prohibited. No flaming!
6. In the end, just use your brain. This areas is for fun and freedom, not for abusing the rights that we are providing you. If there are repeated incidents of abuse this entire section may be shut down. Please don't let it come to that.